Why should our horses work with us? Why should they want to do what we ask of them? Because they feel like they don’t have a choice? Because “it’s their job”?

No. These beautiful creatures don’t owe us anything, so it is our job to give them a choice and motivate them to work with us of their own free will.

The training I do is primarily positive reinforcement. The purpose of this is to build a relationship with your horse and two-way communication to gain their trust and respect instead of their submission.

From this foundation, you’ll be able to go so much further together. Your horse will understand that you aren’t going to force them and will become much more trusting. Then, when you ask them to do something, they’ll know it’s a good idea even if they were unsure of it before, and if they do start to feel uncomfortable, they will be able to communicate that to you calmly before becoming anxious or unpredictable.

Another huge focus of mine when training is engaging in play - waking up a horse's playful side and encouraging them to express themselves and do activities together that are for no other reason but to have fun. It is incredible to see the motivation and connection this creates, and once you get started with it, you’ll find it may just become your favorite thing to do too!

If you want to create a stronger bond with your horse, build confidence in each other, and learn how to achieve your goals together as a team. I am here to guide you. I am here to help train your horse and teach you both how to work together.